my mатрёшка style

i found this lovely doll in Chinatown Buenos Aires, loved her so much cos of all the glitter and had to take her with me to Europe jejej...

and cos i love the mатрёшка style so much i had to buy this scarf as well! (from a little accessory shop in Caballito, Bs. As.)

(no) confusion

i am back and lightened up my blog a bit...still under a little construction. so i am sorry for so much confusion, but i needed to add some white to my blog, thought only black is so depressing.
i also thank you so much for all the nice comments on my last post!!! although i took the photo on a very sad day, i was so happy about such wonderful comments from all of you. thanxxx
i hope to post now regular again ...until then

& stay tuned at CiTiEs of B ;-)
pic ♥ Buenos Aires 2009


pic ♥ Germany 2009

beauty goodies

le brumisateur evian (which i love so much) has a little german friend now - Mineralwasserspray from Lichtenauer

i discovered this recently in the LICHTBLICK Wellnessführer 2010
more beauty goodies i like:

212 on ice fragrance from Carolina Herrera
236 geranium red nail polish (my favorite!!!) from KIKO MAKE UP MILANO
classic passion rómantica seducción body splash from VZ Bath & Body

dark pinky punk lipgloss from H&M (my friend Flo sent it to me as a gift from France to Argentina. i was so happy about it back then, cos there is no H&M in Argentina jajaja)

pink up your life

cos he was so cool here he comes again...
pic ♥ Barcelona 2007
pink up your life*...

pics & quote images via polyvore

pink life

i love*** a pink life...
pics ♥ Barcelona 2007

reflection - B matters

pics ♥ Barcelona 2009

LOVE is something else

my friend Chià recently moved to Madrid and told me the other day " gusta pero no es LOVE" ("...i like it, but it´s not LOVE)
´LOVE is something else´

escuchando a may

image by May Mc Laren

i am listening to May Mc Laren at Election Radio

where is the wall

while studying in West Berlin in the late 80s, japanese photographer Takahisa Matsuura took these great photos of the Berlin Wall...just before the wall came he went back and asked himself and the world "Where is the wall today?" you can see it on his website

east meets west

photos are my words for today
pics ♥ Milan & Berlin 2008

design inspiration

need some design inspiration? look at these amazing 50s - 70s dollhouses 

more east underground

more info ---> OSTPUNK! too much future

via &
more info about the book ---> IN GRENZEN FREI  

east underground kids a planned economy and controlled world they wanted to stand out, be different and rebellious. they did their own thing!  they were creative, lived their own style and were part of an underground culture in the former DDR (East Germany)

 via & 
yesterday i saw the great tv documentary "Here we come - Breakdance in the DDR". i was suprised and thrilled how creative and stylish these kids were. they did not have much possibilities, but they did great things out of nothing. more info and the trailer here ---> HERE WE COME - Breakdance in der DDR


i like pins and especially the ones from istprodukt
unfortunately i lost my favorite one in a B_pueblito in Argentina :-(